It’s getting cold; Here’s our top five winter recipes

The best thing about when the temperatures drop outside is that we feel like cooking more.
It’s like our inner chef wakes up from a long summery hibernation and taps fiercely on
our tummies to let us know he’s ready to start chopping vegetables. And what is better
than a hot, hearty meal in the middle of a gloomy, cold day? I’m afraid nothing is. So now
that the wind is swooshing outside against your windows and you get home tired from
work and you don’t want to spend two hours locked inside your kitchen, here’s the top five
recipes that promise to keep you warm with a happy tummy and won’t take over an hour
to be ready!
1. All you need is… duck?!
This is for people who love duck but don’t cook it too often, or if you’re just tired of always eating chicken! Duck breasts are low in calories and a great source of protein. They taste amazing and when sliced thin, they are incredibly fast to cook.
Pro tip: Leave the skin on so that the juices remain, and you don’t end up with a dry fillet. Pair this with none other than potatoes. This recipe has you heating them quickly in the microwave (you don’t even have to peel them!) and then you sauté them at the end in the delicious duck juices. Easy, right? My mouth’s watering already! Check out this straight forward and simple method, cook it yourself in less than 20 minutes by clicking here.
2. Warm up your soul in 15 minutes!
Sometimes, all we need is a really large bowl of soup. Imagine yourself getting home late, slipping off your heels and your coat that did nothing to keep you warm all day.
You need a bowl of soup. It’s all it takes to warm you and your soul up. This velvet soup is extremely easy and quick to make: just under half an hour, including prep!
All you’ll need to do is chop some vegetables (and you guessed right, potatoes), add some water and 15 minutes later, voilà! Your creamy soup is ready to be served.
Pro tip: Do it on the weekend and it’ll save you time on week days; just warm it up on the stove and it’ll be ready to enjoy. This is one of our favourites; check it here.
3. Potatoes and pumpkin: perfect pair?
Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes and Pumpkin: are you salivating yet?
Someone say potatoes…?
The brilliant Anthony Bourdain once said “Anyone who’s a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: ‘Is it good? Does it give pleasure?’” and that’s basically saying potatoes. Potatoes are an amazing base for any winter recipe; we plant them in late spring to harvest them in autumn and they are one of the most versatile ingredients we can use. Another winter favourite people love is pumpkin; and pumpkin and potatoes go perfect together. If this almost-alliteration serves for any purpose, you’ll know that hand-in-hand, potato and pumpkin are a passionate poem that you can make right from your home.
This recipe by French Chef Delphine Rousson, combines our two loves together to create a masterpiece. It is on the heavier side, but there are some days when we just need some extra love. Once you’ve cut your potatoes and pumpkin, just put it in the oven and enjoy a glass of wine in front of the fireplace while it all melts together.
Pro tip: If you prefer a lighter version, just substitute the pumpkin for courgette and don’t sprinkle it with cheese at the end. It’ll taste just as delicious with half the calories. If you want to become the chef of this Au Gratin, here’s what you’ll need.
4. Italian AND low calories!?
Risotto just shouts yachting along the Amalfi Coast on a hot, summer day while sipping Spritz. It also provides you with the kind of comfort food you need on a freezing day. This is a vegan risotto that includes pumpkin, of course, and mushrooms. What gives it a luxury taste is all the spices you’ll add in. To finish off, you’ll put the pumpkins in the oven and sauté the mushrooms in a pan. Mix everything together and dig in!
Pro tip: Sauté the mushrooms for about 3 minutes and no longer; they should be hard and not release their water for extra taste. See this recipe here.
5. Vitamin D in winter, how?
Last but not least, we have a fish recipe. Salmon to be more precise. The great thing about salmon is that you cannot cook it for too long, which means this is one of the quickest recipes to make. Salmon is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help with decreasing the risk of heart disease and an amazing source of vitamin D, which improves your mood. And let’s be honest, during the cold months, we all need an extra source of vitamin D. This paired with vegetables and a teriyaki sauce will guarantee smiles from anyone who tries it. Grab your daily dose of vitamin D with this recipe here!
This ends our top five hearty, healthy, heavenly, easy recipes! I hope you’ve enjoyed these and please let us know which one you’ll be making tonight.
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